The incarnation of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States left a lasting impact on the country and the world. His personality, policies, and style of governance drew attention from critics and admirers alike. Known for his unrelenting and sometimes controversial approach to politics, Trump stirred emotions, influenced decision-making, and set a new standard for leadership in the modern era. In this piece, we look at the pros and cons of the Trump administration, analyzing his actions, strategies, and effects.


Strong Economic Performance: One of the primary achievements of the Trump administration was the booming economy, with record low unemployment rates and robust GDP growth. Trump’s business acumen and pro-business policies, including tax cuts, deregulation, and trade reforms, boosted investments, job creation, and consumer confidence. Despite facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. maintained a stable and resilient economy compared to other countries.

Increased Focus on National Security: Another strength of the Trump presidency is its emphasis on protecting the country against internal and external threats. Trump invested heavily in the military, border security, and counterterrorism measures, strengthening the nation’s defence capability and preparedness. Additionally, Trump’s “America First” policy prioritized domestic interests over foreign involvement, reducing entanglements and promoting independence.

Conservative Appointment of Judges: Trump’s impact on the judiciary system is significant, with the appointment of over 220 judges, including three Supreme Court Justices. His judicial picks were mostly conservative-leaning, ensuring a legacy of conservative values and legal interpretation for years ahead.

Donald Trump's Presidency


Divisive Rhetoric and Lack of Diplomacy: A significant drawback of the Trump presidency is the polarizing effect of his language and behaviour. Trump’s penchant for name-calling, insults, and aggressive approach violated the norms of civility and mutual respect, often undermining cooperation, dialogue, and trust among people and nations. Trump’s foreign policies, such as his withdrawal from the Paris Accord, Iran Nuclear Deal, and Trans-Pacific Partnership, sparked controversy and strained relationships with allies and partners.

Unresolved Domestic Issues: Despite the booming economy, the U.S. grappled with deep-seated and persistent problems, such as income inequality, racial tensions, healthcare, and gun control. Trump’s solutions to these issues were often controversial and ineffective, such as his proposed border wall, repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and rejection of gun control measures.

Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic: One of the most significant failures of the Trump administration was its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trump’s initial dismissal and downplaying of the virus, inconsistent messaging, and delayed response contributed to the severity and duration of the outbreak, resulting in over 500,000 deaths and widespread social and economic disruptions.

There are some questions about Donald Trump’s Presidency

Q: What were some of Trump’s most significant accomplishments as President?
A: Trump’s most significant accomplishment as President was the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The legislation reduced corporate tax rates from 35% to 21%, which led to a surge in business investments and hiring. Trump also signed criminal justice reform, which reduced mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offences. He brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab countries, and his administration oversaw the killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Q: What was the impact of Trump’s immigration policies?
A: Trump’s immigration policies were controversial and polarizing. His administration enforced a “zero tolerance” policy that resulted in the separation of families at the border. His travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries faced protests and legal challenges. His efforts to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border faced opposition from Democrats and some Republicans. However, immigration enforcement and border security were among his highest priorities, and his policies aimed to stem the flow of illegal immigration and provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients.

Q: How did Trump handle the COVID-19 pandemic?
A: Trump’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic drew criticism from some quarters for its lack of a coordinated national strategy. Trump initially downplayed the threat of the virus, and his administration was slow to respond to the growing crisis. However, his administration implemented the Warp Speed initiative, which produced and distributed vaccines in record time. Trump also signed the CARES Act, which provided economic relief for Americans affected by the pandemic.

Q: What was the impact of Trump’s relationship with the media?
A: Trump had a strained relationship with the media, which he often called “fake news.” He regularly criticized news outlets for covering his administration and used social media to communicate directly with his supporters. While some saw his media approach as aggressive, it won him support from his base. Trump’s criticism of the media also fueled increasing distrust of mainstream news outlets and a growing appetite for alternative sources of information.

Q: How did Trump’s presidency shape the future of American politics?
A: Trump’s presidency was a watershed moment in American politics. His populist rhetoric and unapologetic approach to governing inspired a new generation of conservative politicians. Trump’s use of social media to communicate directly with the public also represented a shift in how political messages are disseminated. However, his presidency exposed deep political and cultural divisions within American society. The events of January 6, 2021, when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the election results, were a stark reminder of the challenges facing American democracy.


Donald Trump’s presidency was a rollercoaster ride for Americans. His unconventional approach to politics garnered praise and criticism, and controversies and accomplishments marked his tenure in the White House. Trump’s presidency will be remembered for how it changed American politics in terms of policy and rhetoric. As we look to the future, it is clear that the political landscape will never be the same.


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